24 February 2020 Weekly Update
Weekly Update
This was a very, very dense week. Without the slow rolling course content taking up most of my free time, I got a great deal of codewars challenges done for fun/challenge. I started to see patterns between kata of the same level so I moved up to 7kyu katas to try to up the challenge a little, and did quite well. Viewing the solutions after finishing the problems is almost as important as doing them, as I’ve learned a great deal of shortcuts and base python functionality I previously didn’t know existed just viewing others implementations.
I did make a great deal of progress on freeCodeCamp as well, I made it through the Basic HTML and started working with CSS. It got to be a good deal of information to just do once and remember so I started a workspace here to keep track of most of what I’ve learned. I figured I could use this for reference in the future as well as for practice/testing when building static sites later. I also did some reading on best git practices and realized I need to be building my features in branches named based on the features they will implement and merging once feature complete instead of comitting directly to master. I’m going to start doing that from this repo onwards, but it will make my github activity look a bit off, as my comitts won’t be tracked until they are merged. I’m pretty excited to continue pushing through this course, I think the pacing of doing this along side 1 EdX course at a time is enough to keep me busy but not overwhelmed since fCC and codewars are at my own pace.
I wasn’t the happiest with the midterm test cases. One of the problems was worth 20% of the grade and I literally got the correct output with 10 different programs and submitted them all and was still given 0 points. I really hope I’m able to speak to a TA about it or something because it was very demotivating, otherwise I did quite well, and it shouldn’t affect me passing the course.
My progress since the last post is as follows:
- I have completed the MIT 6.00.1x Midterm, and will be working on Week 4’s content in the upcoming week.
- I have completed 18 x 8kyu katas on CodeWars and 8 x 7kyu.
- I have completed 11-28/28 of Basic HTML and HTML5 on freeCodeCamp.
- I have completed 30/44 of Basic CSS on freeCodeCamp.